Monday, February 1, 2010

Purim Connection for Attack by Iran in Feb. 2010
3 mounths bomb
The US administration leaked information on beefing up its missile defense systems in the Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. Militarily, this is a complete nonsense: there is not a chance that Iran would attack these countries even if Israel strikes at Natanz. Bahrain increasingly falls into Iranian orbit, UAE is Iran’s loophole to the outside world despite sanctions, and attacking Saudi Arabia would certainly bring the USAF into Tehran.
Obama’s move is merely a show intended to balance Ahmadinejad’s achievements. Iranian leader promised that by early February his country would start enriching uranium to 20%. The same technology would allow Iran to enrich its stocks to weapons grade. Iran’s Weapons Group had already conducted successful experiments on implosive warheads, and 20% enrichment capability means that Iran is three months away from manufacturing the bomb.