Wednesday, January 20, 2010

moshiach coming 5770

Baba Sali, dreams and Mashiach

Baba Baruch, Rav Baruch Abuchatzeira, the son of the Baba Sali, has given an interview to Bechadrei Chareidim to commemorate the Baba Sali's yahrtzeit.
The interview is pretty interesting as he describes some of the greatness of his father, and relates various stories his father was involved in. One part in particular stands out. Baba Baruch describes how his father has appeared to him at different times in dreams.
One such time was during Operation Cast Lead they did not know if they should plan a hilula in honor of the Baba Sali's yahrtzeit. The Baba Sali is buried in Netivot and that was within range of the Grad missiles being shot into Israel at the time. To bring thousands of people to Netivot for a hilula seemed irresponsible. Baba Baruch says that the Baba Sali came to him in a dream and told him to prepare the hilula and he would take care of the rest. The next day he got word that they had agreed to cease fire.
Baba Baruch then says that the Baba Sali appeared to him in a dream less than 2 weeks ago. In this dream the Baba Sali told him that Mashiach will come this year, and that we should prepare and be prepared for his arrival.
Halevai it should come true!
בחצרות קודש
הבאבא ברוך עם אחיינו, האדמו"ר רבי דוד אבוחצירא. צילום ארכיון אבא אמר לי בחלום: השנה יבוא המשיח
בליל הילולת הבבא סאלי זי"ע, קיימנו ראיון עם בנו, ה'בבא ברוך' • על הניסים: "אבא דמע, והזוג נושע" • על הבריחה מהארץ: "בגלל לחצי בן גוריון" • ועל תעשיית הבאבות: המתחזים מעכבים את הגאולה"
יוסי כץ, בחדרי חרדים ודוד לנדאו, הכל בקול
תאריך: 18/01/2010 23:59:00
26 שנה חלפו מהיום בו חשכו המאורות בנתיבות, וניטלה העטרה שעיטרה את ראשה של יהדות המזרח. ה'באבא סאלי' זי"ע, שהאיר את הארץ ופעל ישועות בקרבה - הסתלק, והותיר רבבות מעריצים מיותמים.


  1. It's common courtesy to link to sources of posts that you find.
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  2. Fingers crossed. You should create a blogroll btw.
